July 04, 2012

No. 137 - Blind Spots Part 2

We need your help.
We discovered the first hint of the Darks almost two years ago. There was only a report here, a rumor there. Early on, we didn’t believe the evidence. No one could conceive of something so like us, and yet so different. Or so evil.
They started taking the old ones first, and then the young. Now they are bold enough to hunt our strongest. Once they have exterminated us, they will come for you.
We have yet to see a complete specimen, but we have come to understand their methods through deduction.
Working ceaselessly, our best minds have developed a strategy for combating this threat. We have determined that humans can detect these monsters.
I have been sent to propose an alliance.
Because we can’t see our blind spots, you must act as watchmen for us. If we face one another, there will be nowhere for the Darks to hide.
You must understand that by this action we are putting the future of our species in your hands. We have existed a long time by staying out of sight, remote, and separate. We must learn to trust you.
And you must trust us, as well. Because I fear that when we step forward, we may appear as terrifying to you as the Darks appear to us.

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